2018 Year – 3 May

May 2018 – Press releases of SAP company on the project in PJSC Vinitsaobenergo:


Vinnitsaoblenergo upgraded resource management

Thanks to the SAP solution, the processes are automated, and the report output is reduced from 7 days to 15 minutes

PJSC “Vinnytsyaoblenergo” announced the successful completion of the project on implementation of SAP ERP. Now all information is collected in a single database, business processes are monitored centrally online. This allowed to minimize manual work, automate processes and reduce the output of reports from 7 days to 15 minutes.Thanks to the solution, the company spends its own money more efficiently.

Infrastructure of Vinnytsyaoblenergo PJSC is located on the territory of 26.5 thousand square kilometers, with hundreds of substations and other technical facilities. The company has implemented a single system of SAP ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning System) in just nine months. It helped to build business process management in a single information space. On their basis, preventive inspections and repairs, and the purchase of equipment and services are planned and carried out. For each unit of equipment you can trace the history of operation. Due to the centralized control of the efficiency of domestic purchases, the need for attracting bank loans has decreased.

«Solution based on SAP ERP, implemented at PJSC “Vinnitsaoblenergo”, is fully adapted to the needs of the energy company and allows the use of best world practices in business process management of manufacturing enterprises. Such an experience is very important for the energy sector of Ukraine, which is in the process of large-scale transformation, because it allows to increase the efficiency of the main asset-infrastructure» – said the representative of SAP.

Previously, reporting was carried out manually and separately for each subdivision, collecting and checking data took a lot of time. With SAP ERP, reporting is available in real-time, more accurate and operational. Employees use convenient input tools and data analytics. Shareholders can quickly receive all financial information that meets European reporting standards. Significant advantage of SAP ERP is the high level of data protection. A daily registry is installed that allows you to control not only current payments, but also the overall situation on the budget and execution of contracts.

“The future of the energy industry is the widespread use of innovative technologies. Only this can be achieved the quality of service provided, demanded current century. Thanks to SAP ERP, we have been able to significantly improve the quality of decision making, which has already positively affected both customer service and our relationship with shareholders” said Andriy Polishchuk, CEO of PJSC “Vinnytsyaoblenergo”.

The implementation of the SAP ERP solution for PJSC “Vinnytsyaoblenergo” was implemented by the company “Unova Consulting”. She carries out activities in the field of IT consulting and has extensive experience in implementing enterprise information management systems based on SAP products, has a sectoral expertise in the energy sector.